Throughout our lives, we’re reminded almost daily of the importance of communication. Whether it's at work, at home, with our kids, or somewhere else entirely, communicating clearly helps to set expectations while also ensuring everyone’s needs are heard.
In the case of end-of-life planning, many families often find themselves wondering how best to Celebrate Life for their loved one. This process can be both confusing and challenging, as they want to honor their family member while also helping themselves navigate the grieving process.
So where should a person begin? Let’s start by looking at the importance of communication and a living will.
Living Wills
First, the details of how to set this up are better handled by other professionals in our community. However, we simply wanted to highlight the importance of families working together on end-of-life planning. This type of cooperation will also help to set the stage for other types of Celebration of Life decisions so that everyone is on the same page.
Do you have any “please do not” requests?
When it comes to how to Celebrate Life, there are endless ways and options for a family. It begins by clearly communicating and honoring any kind of “please do not”-type requests. These can be simple, such as a request to not be buried in black. Others may not like a particular style of music and don’t want it at their Celebration of Life service.
Each of these decisions is a small way of honoring the person, preserving their legacy in a way that is reflective of their personal preferences.
Is there anything specific you’d like?
Flipping that on its head slightly, the importance of communication means that you should also let your family know if there is anything specific you would like. A person who had a passion for a particular hobby may find it comforting to know that their Celebration of Life service will be themed around their favorite pastime.
What about special considerations?
For other people, they may not want a solemn assembly. Instead, their wish is for their family to honor them with something such as an ice cream social. For others, they may have had a beloved pet who they want at the service. Clarifying these details not only serves to honor the person who passed away but acts as a way of reminding their loved ones of the things that they loved most in life.
Non-standard ways of Celebrating Life
We alluded to non-standard ways of Celebrating Life when we mentioned an ice cream social. This is one of many other options. A traditional funeral usually involves a faith-based officiant and both an in-facility and graveside service. However, that doesn’t mean these are the only possibilities. For example, some people have chosen to have a Celebration of Life service before their passing. The options truly are wide open with us, and we’ll work with you to develop the best solution for your situation.
The importance of communication cannot be overstated
To put it simply, we believe that open communication is one of the best ways of processing a significant life change such as the passing of a loved one. Our team is ready to help with that however we can. If you’d like to discuss pre-planning options, call us at 937-399-2811 and we’ll schedule a time to talk.
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