Every day, we’re given opportunities to show random acts of kindness. It might be large moments, such as secretly paying for someone’s meal at a restaurant. On the other hand, it could be smaller opportunities, such as holding the door open or letting someone go ahead of us in the checkout line.
Acts of kindness serve several important purposes in our lives. For starters, they show others that there is goodness in the world around them. It also encourages them to show the same kindness toward other people.
It also helps to reset our mindset. Focusing on others can be therapeutic, helping us remember our purpose in life: to be considerate to others.
Here are a few ways to show random acts of kindness to others throughout your daily routine.
Bake cookies and pass them out in your neighborhood.
Everyone loves cookies or other baked goods in some capacity. Putting together a batch of goodies and passing them out to your neighbors is a great way to show kindness. Not only will it make them smile, but it will also spur them on to consider ways to do the same for others.
Show empathy.
Have you ever noticed a retail or service employee who seems to be having a bad day? Have you ever asked them how they were doing? Or, perhaps you noticed something unique about them, such as a special hair color. There are small yet easy things we can all say to those who aren’t necessarily having a great day. In turn, our kindness and empathy may help to turn it around for them.
Bring small gifts such as flowers.
Small gifts are a great way to show kindness to other people. Most big box retailers have a selection of flowers that are under $15. Purchase these and bring them home to your spouse on the way.
Other small gifts can let the person know you’re thinking about them. Maybe your kids like PlayStation gift cards or Nintendo Switch games. Randomly bring them home one from time to time. It’s sure to put a smile on their face!
Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
There is a massive need for volunteers at soup kitchens nationwide. With rising poverty rates, this will only continue to grow more and more in the coming years. Talk with our local Springfield Soup Kitchen and see if they could use the extra help. They may even be able to work around your schedule so that you can serve after hours. It’s a small yet impactful difference you’ll make simply by volunteering.
Remember that acts of kindness don’t have to be grand gestures.
Remember, the way we show kindness can vary in size. Don’t overlook the smaller ones. All it takes is a simple smile or asking the checkout clerk about their day to completely transform their mood. It lets them know that they’re seen and that you care about them.
Kindness is one of our core values at Jackson Lytle & Lewis. If you need to get in touch with our team for any reason, give us a call at 937-399-2811 or send us a message here to get started.